tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Nov 01 18:14:50 1995

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Re: Homebrew Label

>I'm ready to label my first batch of homebrew, and want to include
>transliterated Klingon on it.  I'd like to say, "Best brew in the universe",
>or something like that.  The best I could come up with is:
>Hiq'a' qIbDaq   (great ale in the galaxy)

Phrases which lack a verb are difficult to understand.  If what you want
to say has an "understood" verb, then add it first before trying to make
a Klingon equivalent of the phrase.

>I do not know how Klingon supports the superlative (best, most, greatest),
>as I'm too new at this.

TKD 6.6 explains this completely.  Use the comparative construction, and
compare to "all" or "everything".

>Any help would be appreciated, along with any alternative by-lines.

I would say "This brew is the best in the universe" as
{Hiqvam QaQ law' 'u' Hoch QaQ puS}.

 -- ghunchu'wI'               batlh Suvchugh vaj batlh SovchoH vaj

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