tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sat Jan 07 15:23:49 1995

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Re: qechmeywIj on learning a ...

On Sat, 7 Jan 1995 [email protected] wrote:

> >Subject: qechmeywIj on learning a language
> >Date: 95-01-07 06:32:29 EST
> >From: [email protected] (Heidi Wessman)
> >The tapes use this method of phrasing.  But I was wondering if there was 
> >more out there.  I seem to do better with ideas, rather than words, and 
> >it helps ever-so-much with basic grammar, and exceptions to the rule.
> Interesting. Could you elaborate? If you mean teaching the grammar by
> phrases, then it sounds promising, tho difficult to pull off. Of course, the
> whole point of teaching/learning a language is to be able to express your own
> thoughts in it, for which one must ultimately understand the grammar.

In every foreign language class I took in elementary school, high 
school and college, we began with rote memorization of simple phrases.
The first thing that teaches you is how to pronounce the language 
and to understand it when hearing it.  Learning the actual grammar, 
and in some cases, learning how to read and write the language came later.

E.g.  What is this?  This is a pencil.  What color is the pencil?  The 
pencil is yellow...  

By adding a some vocabulary, you are soon able to carry on a simple 

Of course, to master any language, you have to eventually learn the 
grammar.   For some of the languages I've studied over the years, I may 
have forgotten some of the words or how to conjugate a particular verb, 
but I can still clearly remember most of those simple phrases we had to 

In the same way, many of the first Klingon words I've learned and the 
ones I'm least likely to forget are the ones I picked up from listening to 
the phrases on the CK and PK tapes.

> Guido


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