tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Dec 21 18:50:49 1995

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You see why I'm worried!

= David Wood writes:
= >(nItlhDu'Daj [to cross]...)
= >chaq molwijDaq ngaSwi' gharghmey vitu'.
= No, this says "container worms" again.

This time, it was supposed to; since I created a new kind of worm, it might as 
well be interred with me. Trust me; I'm not that stupid, though my repeated 
posts here clearly indicate that at least 51% of my brain isn't working...

= [Klingons don't cross their fingers; it doesn't work.]

Well, it sure didn't help /me/, now did it? Is there any sort of superstitious 
thing Klingons do to ensure success when they've done all the conventional 
preparations they can? Even something they say or shout beforehand...

= >... this should be syntactically correct -->
= >'e' wISovpu' Hoch jIH je
= Well, the verb prefix looks okay, but the object is a bit strange.
= {'e'} is supposed to refer to the previous sentence, but you haven't
= put it after any sentence in particular.

Yep, that sentence would have to come after another sentence, otherwise the 
"that" wouldn't make much sense. As it was just a sample sentence, it could be 
stuck behind whatever other sentence the speaker wanted. Or at least, could get 
away with.

= >...would THIS be syntactically correct? -->
= >lI'ghach botemnIsbe' Hoch SoH je.
= >         ^^-- (prefix for y'all/it)
= "All and you ('even you') don't need to deny... usefulness?"

Aaaaaaaaaaaagh! Somebody shoot me! Somebody shoot me NOW! I meant to use the 
suffix -laH! I don't know how the -nIs got in there! (Maybe I AM getting that 
I was trying to say "Even you _can't_ deny its usefulness." I can't find a 
suffix for "its," so you version would probably work better anyway.

= >Five K-sentences, five chances to screw up.
= >There are a great many canons pointed at my head...

= If this ("canon" vs "cannon") is an intentional pun, it's pretty good.
= If it's accidental, it's even better!

The former. (I should be so lucky!)
Punstery is another hobby of mine, and it seems that I do well, as long as I 
stick to English...

-- David Wood, Freelance Computer Consultant
("Freelance" is just a cheesy way of saying "Irregularly Employed")

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