tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Dec 20 09:15:37 1995

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Re: Discussion topics

>Date: Tue, 19 Dec 1995 23:44:34 -0800
>From: [email protected]

>Hi, peHruS here

>Now, I must go back into a story I have been writing and change {ghov} to
>{Sov} when I am saying "know a person."  And, I must start using {yIn} for
>"live [someplace]."  I must be certain when and where to use the topicalizer

Well, I'm not sure you HAVE to say "yIn" for "live someplace"; you can use
the "XXDaq 'oHtaH juHwIj'e'" or "XXX ngan jIH" constructions if "yIn" makes
you feel weird.  But I would recommend against using "Qong", since I, at
least, would tend to misunderstand it.

>Perhaps the most misunderstood posting of mine all week was:

>paqvo' wa' nav vIteq = I take a page from the book
>paqmo' qun vIghoj = I learn history from the book

>I would like more comments, yet, please.  In TKD we find {SuSmo' joq} =
>flutters due to the wind.  ghunchu'wI' wondered if the book hit me, then I
>comprehended history.  Perhaps, my brilliant idea of using the suffix {-mo'}
>for "from" won't work after all.

I dunno, I think it actually isn't bad.  Especially given your evidence
about SuSmo' joq.  *I* understood it, and while I may have preferred
"-vo'", I'm not sure I am right to.



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