tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Dec 17 21:50:18 1995

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Klingon on Internet Relay Chat

 uu> From: "Mark E. Shoulson" <ur-valhalla!!shoulson>
 uu> Subject: Klingon on Internet Relay Chat
 uu> Message-ID: <[email protected]>
 uu> Date: Wed, 13 Dec 1995 09:18:45 -0800
 uu> differently. We have canon support for "SuvwI' Hoch" == "all of the
 uu> warriors", from the Skybox card ("... tera' vatlh DIS poH cha'maH wej
 uu> HochHom lo'lu'taH" for "most of the 23rd century."  Okrand has said
 uu> that indeed this is "HochHom" intended to mean "almost all of").

When I first read this, I thought {HochHom} looked quite odd... until I
remembered that {-Hom} isn't just a quantitative dimunititive, but actually a
*qualitative* one.  Then it makes sense (In Hol, anyway!)

It does cause me to wonder what {Hoch'a'} would mean, though.  "The sum total
of all occurances of this (whatever) that have ever existed and ever will,"

Just idle speculation....

| la'Hom Qob vestai-qutvaj, yaS cha'DIch qumpIn je, tlh.w.D. quttaj |
| jogh boQDu''a', *North jogh, maS Hurgh yo', Qojbogh tlhIngan ghom |
|                tlhIngan Hol HaDwI'pu' yej ghojwI'                 |
|               [email protected]                 |

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