tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Dec 11 13:45:06 1995

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Beds and Mushrooms: again :)

I finally found my TKD last night, having moved house again... it was 
with my collection of HolQeDmey, I'd never have thought of looking for it 
there... *sigh*...

Anyway, this has enabled me to have a proper look at everyone's 
submissions of Klingon for "you've made your bed - now lie in it!" and I 
really like all the suggestions.

to recap (sorry, it's been a while):

charghwI':	may' vIneH Dajatlh. DaH yISuv.
		(You say you want battle. Now fight!)

r'Hul:		vaHvo' HichlIj Dalelta'. DaH yIbach.
		(You've taken your handgun from the holster. Now shoot!)

	also	weQ DaQawpu'. DaH Hurgh pa' 'ej pa' Daba'taH.	
		(You've destroyed the candle. Now (continue to) sit in a 
		dark room.)

DaraQ:		'uQlIjvaD veqlargh Datlhobta' vaj DaH Soj yIjab.
		(You've asked the feklehr to dinner, so now serve the 

	also	jaghlI' DarI'chugh yISuvrup
		(if you hail your enemy, be prepared to fight.)

Holtej:		nuHwIj DawIvta'; DaH yISuv!
		(you've chosen your weapon - now fight!)

LtCommdr Qob:  	may' yotlh DawIvqangta'. DaH batlh yIHegh!
		(You have willingly chosen your battlefield. Now die with 

Unsurprisingly, almost all of the suggestions have been very Klingon in 
sentiment. For sheer brevity and to-the-point-ness, I like Holtej and 
charghwI's suggestions, but I also like r'Hul's one about the candle and 
DaraQ's feklehr to dinner, because they're different and imaginative 
(stop me if I start to sound like a primary school teacher...!). 
And before Qob gets upset that I haven't mentioned his, I like it too!

I suppose I have to offer something of my own...

yIHmey Du'wI Damojta'. DaH peghlaHghach yIghoj!
(You've become a tribble farmer. Now learn discretion!) 

I'm not very sure whether my use of -ghach is correct here and would 
welcome corrections or suggestions. Is "discretion" a sufficient word to 
express "the ability to keep a secret"? (answers on a postcard..)

thanks everyone for your suggestions (anyone still interested in a book 
of Klingon Proverbs?)


Chris Atherton
[email protected]

"OOoooooeeeeeEEEE eeeeoo? Ooo oooee EE
eeoooo". - Tiny Clanger.

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