tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Dec 08 12:35:59 1995

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RE: qeylIS betleH

Hello, I've been reading this pretty active maling list. 

Matt Gomes>  My wife did make the point that Kor is different from most Klingons.  And
Matt Gomes>I could see that when he said "Pleased to meet you [toothy grin inserted
Matt Gomes>here]".  So, we might be able to say, "maj ram" is something only Kor would
Matt Gomes>say, but then we get into this horrible mess... Every time some bad Klingon
Matt Gomes>is spoken, we could say it's a dialect... AAAAAAAHHHHH!

One thing I can not picture myself, is any Klingon sticking to the rules. I believe that any Klingon will try to force his interpretation anyway he could. I believe that there is a bigger possibility that within the same family, a certain dialect would be spoken. 

Also my original dialect (West-Flemmish) is a pretty basic language. The reason why most other non-Flemmish people cannot be understand my dialect is because the same sentence can mean different things. It is the way that it is said that gives the real meaning. I would believe that Klingonese is also such a basic language, not so many words, and translations are based on sounding correct even if it does not fit within the current grammar rules.  

Does this sound strange?



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