tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Dec 08 06:31:50 1995

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qeylIS betleH

 uu> From: ur-valhalla!!caanders (Alan Anderson)
 uu> Subject: qeylIS betleH

 >Klingons are the same; they speak poorly amongst themselves, but
 >(sometimes) try to speak "properly" when among the powerful.

 uu> If Gowron spoke more intelligibly, I might agree.  As it is, though,
 uu> "zha zhu... jaj... vam... jajqaq" speaks poorly of the speaker's
 uu> speech. (This babbling is from "Way of the Warrior".  Worf translated
 uu> it as "Today is a good day to die," disappointing us greatly.)

Ah, that is easily explained!  Go waaaaay back to when we first met Gowron. 
He is a provincial ship commander, not a product of the Homeworld like Duras! 
His accent is that of whatever dialect they speek in his backwater of the
Empire.  <g>

| la'Hom Qob vestai-qutvaj, yaS cha'DIch qumpIn je, tlh.w.D. quttaj |
| jogh boQDu''a', *North jogh, maS Hurgh yo', Qojbogh tlhIngan ghom |
|                tlhIngan Hol HaDwI'pu' yej ghojwI'                 |
|               [email protected]                 |

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