tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Dec 08 06:31:56 1995

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Colors? What colors?

 uu> From: "Mark E. Shoulson" <ur-valhalla!!shoulson>
 uu> Subject: Colors? What colors?

 >From: [email protected] (Bill
 >We do have {vatlhvI'} meaning "percent", though.  Since {vatlh} is 100,
 >my hypothesis has been that {*-vI'} is a suffix similar to "-th" in
 >English.  Although I have never used them, I would speculate that

 uu> This has been suggested before, but I don't trust it.  You simply
 uu> can't generalize from a single example in a natural language (cf. the

Yes, of course.  This is why I said that "I have never used them."  It's a
very flimsy extrapolation, and I meant only to point out that, while we don't
have an explicit way of dealing with the decimal point, there are ways around
the problem.  While it is consistant both internally and with the method of
expressing whole numbers, I woun't presume to advocate it until Okrand gave it
his blessings.  (I've been working around the problem by using percents of
percents, but it gets awkward very fast to talk of 43% of 10% of a number.)

| la'Hom Qob vestai-qutvaj, yaS cha'DIch qumpIn je, tlh.w.D. quttaj |
| jogh boQDu''a', *North jogh, maS Hurgh yo', Qojbogh tlhIngan ghom |
|                tlhIngan Hol HaDwI'pu' yej ghojwI'                 |
|               [email protected]                 |

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