tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Dec 08 02:26:44 1995

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Re: pronouncing tlh

ghItlh vanya:

>>   > As for these instructions: 
>>   > <<hold (the) tongue in the lateral position as though (you are) going 
>>   > to say  an initial English "L" and then say "T.">> I find that it works well 
>>   > enough. 
>>   This seems to be backwards from what is said by Okrand in PK.  
>>   "Say a T then whisper an L." 
>> Feedback is welcome. 
>> david 
>When I tried this, I got a syllable that sounded like t_l, with that 
>weird not-vowel that the phoenetic alphabet shows as a sort of 
>upside-down lower-case "e" (I'm sure it has a name)...
>What works for me is to first make that sort of clicking/tutting sound 
>(like some people call horses over with - in fact, the sound you make 
>when you're trying to imitate the sound of horses' hooves). Then, instead 
>of breathing in when you make it, breath out instead. Voila - tlh!
>Work for anyone else?
>Chris Atherton
>[email protected]
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Aye - works for me :)

-- toDbaj / Soruk ([email protected], [email protected])
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