tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Dec 06 21:05:23 1995

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Re: KLBC - vocab and syntax questions

On Tue, 5 Dec 1995, Chester Braun wrote:

> Just ran across a word that some local KAGs use but can't find in TKD.
> The word is Da'Har denoting some kind of fighting art?  Due to my martial
> arts instruction of betleH techniques I've been given the honorary title
> of Da'Har Master.  Don't want to seem ungrateful but *is* there such a word?

I'm not positive, but I think "Da'Har master" was a title that Koloth bore 
in the DS9 episode, "Blood Oath".  He had some sort of title, but I can't 
precisely remember if that was it or not.  In any case, they did not 
explain what the title meant.  You will find that many of the words used 
in the various TV series are not found in TKD.  Often they are created by 
the script writers and not by Marc Okrand.  Sometimes the writers pull 
words out of TKD, and put them together in odd ways because they are not 
familiar with the grammar, and sometimes they just invent their own words.

> How does one denote a name (such as the name of a literary work) without
> being able to use italics or double quotes?  If the name is a tlhingan Hol
> phrase it could be confusing in the context of the sentance.

There is one canon example of a name being indicated with italics: 
qIvo'rIt _pagh'e'_ (K'Vort Class _Pagh_).  Here it's the proper name of a 
ship.  (I'm using "_" to represent the italicized word.)

But I've also seen seen examples where no italics or other punctuation was 

This isn't canon, but many people on the List use angled brackets "<>" 
for the sake of clarity.

> QetaH


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