tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Dec 06 04:20:42 1995

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Re: KLBC - vocab and syntax questions

QetaH writes:
>...Da'Har Master.  Don't want to seem ungrateful but *is* there such a word?

In the DS9 episodes "Blood Oath" and "Sword of Kahless", that title is
used to refer to Kor.  We don't know how to spell it in pIqaD (or even
how to pronounce it correctly, for that matter), but it's as canon as
it gets.

>How does one denote a name (such as the name of a literary work) without
>being able to use italics or double quotes?  If the name is a tlhingan Hol
>phrase it could be confusing in the context of the sentance.

Italics aren't an option in most email, but you're welcome to use whatever
punctuation makes sense.  If you want to use quotes, use quotes.  If you
want to surround books' names with underscores, go ahead.  I usually avoid
double quotes in my tlhIngan ghItlhmey because they can be confused for the
{'} character, so I use <> for "Klingon quotes" to surround words that I'm
merely *mentioning* rather than *using*.  If I use the "" characters, it's
usually to surround a phrase written in English.

-- ghunchu'wI'               batlh Suvchugh vaj batlh SovchoH vaj

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