tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Dec 06 13:35:25 1995

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Re: chuS'ugh

>Date: Tue, 5 Dec 1995 14:00:36 -0800
>From: Joel Peter Anderson <[email protected]>

>> WHICH ONE????????? I had heard in an interview with Okrand (early 
>> HolQeD) that he had created words for some Trek novels, but it didn't 
>> specify. Please let me know which one.

>I exchanged email on GEnie with Ann Crispin, author of Sarek,
>who noted that Okrand had provided input to that novel.  Off
>hand I don't remember it introducing any new words, but I did
>rather like the term of endearment "'Iw'oy" (dear blood) it

I never read the book... "?'Iw'oy"?  Are we sure that's right, and not a
typo (possibly on the part of the book's author or proofreader)?  If so,
it's VERY weird.  "'Iw" ends in a consonant, and "-oy" is the unique suffix
that starts with a vowel.  Okrand hints that it MIGHT be the case that
"-oy" develops a "'" before it when it's attached to a noun which ends in a
vowel... but certainly doesn't say anything about its taking an epenthetic
"'" after a *consonant*.  This is strange.


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