tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Dec 05 23:27:47 1995

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tonSaw' Hos

Well I'm going to get brave and try my hand at something more complicated
(and more interesting) than what I've attempted so far.  I'll include the English 
because I doubt anyone will figure out my intention from *my* tlhingan Hol 

The original is a, Chinese origin, bit of internal martial arts wisdom:

The origin of strength is in the feet,
initiated by the legs,
directed by the waist,
and shown in the hands.

At first I tried a, more or less, direct translation:

yavDaq rar qamDu tonSaw HoS mung ej
vaj tagh uSDu ej
lurgh nob burgh yoS ej
HoSa ang ghopDu

but wasn't happy with the, rather sedate, sound of it and the awkward sentance
constructs.  For my second attempt I took the essence of the lesson and tried to 
add a Klingon attitude:

HoSqu ghajbej tonSaw
pevIl yavDaq rar qamDu ej
vaj HoS tagh uSDu ej
HIv burgh yoS ej
jaghpu Qaw pachDu

Hopefully it comes back around in English something like this:

Klingon fighting must have strength.
Forcefully feet connect to ground
then legs initiate strength,
waist attacks, and
claws destroy enemy.

Personally I like this last attempt best.  I'd love to have comments, 
corrections, objections, etc..

Have at it warriors!


(Chet Braun)

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