tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Dec 04 03:41:38 1995

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Re: KLBC - hello and questions

At 23:35 2-12-95 -0800, you wrote:

This looks fine to me.

>QetaH jIH.  tlhingan jIH.

What's {Qe} (or QetaH) supposed to be? Did I miss something here or is that
the word you invented yourself? Please, never do this, because nobody will
know what you'er meaning. If you need a word but it's simply not (yet) there
in tlhIngan Hol, describe it, change your sentence completely, or something

Oops, sorry. I've read the end of you message and see that you probably mean
QetaH as you name, right? Forget what I said above... I'll add you to my
namelist immediately. If this is not correct, please mail me.

>DaH jatlhbe'ghach jIH.

Do you mean this as "Now I'm a non-speaker"...? Then why didn't you use
{jatlhbe'wI'} (one that does not speak)? And maybe {wej} in stead of {DaH}
could have been better, depending what you where trying to say here.


          Jarno Peschier, [email protected], 2:2802/245.1@Fido
      162:100/100.1@Agora, 74:3108/102.1@QuaZie, 27:2331/214.1@SigNet
     What was was, before was was was? Before was was was, was was is.

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