tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sat Dec 02 21:29:39 1995

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Re: hello.

On Sat, 2 Dec 1995, R.B Franklin wrote:

> > Uh... tIm jIH. tera'ngan jIH. OK, that's about the extent of my knowledge 
> > of introductions in tlhIngan Hol. As you can tell, I'm a severe newbie at 
> > the language. Hopefully this list will help me improve my abilities. 
> > Until next message, may your blood scream!
> Welcome to the list, tIm!  

Thanks! You know, after I wrote that introduction, I had a horrible 
thought: What if my signoff was a curse instead of a blessing? It just 
wouldn't do to introduce myself to the list by shining everyone's nose, 
would it? Or, in thew words of the great philosopher, "D'OH!".

> If you want to improve your Klingon skills, then you've come to the right 
> place.  My name is yoDtargh and I'm the Beginners' Grammarian.  I'm here 
> to assist you with any basic grammatical questions you may have about
> the language.  The best way to improve your Klingon is to simply keep 
> practicing writing in Klingon and practice reading the Klingon posts others 
> write on the list.

Believe me, I've tried. So far, everything on here that's written in 
Klingon made me say "What the...?", but then again, I guess that's pretty 
much standard for people with my level of "knowledge" in the language. 
About the only things I know are how to say "I don't speak Klingon" and 
to ask where the bathroom is. :-)

> If you have any basic grammatical questions you want answered or if you 
> want to practice writing something in Klingon, you can put KLBC (which 
> stands for Klingon Language Beginners Course) in the heading and I will 
> answer your questions and review your writing.

Well, I don't have any grammatical questions as of yet, but I do have a 
few vocabulary questions. I got my first copy of The Book [tm] back in 
the days of Star Trek III. I figured the best way to learn the language 
was to translate already written works, and I figured the best works to 
do so would be the Star Trek novels. Looking through the dictoionary, I 
found words for phaser, photon torpedo, transporter, etc. Then I looked 
up logic. What the...? There's no word for *logic*? How do they expect 
you to do a translation of Star Trek fiction, and yet *not* have 
something that Spock says every other word? They even have a word for 
Denebian Slime Devil, something which only occurs in one place in one 
episode, and yet they don't have one of the most common words in all of 
Star Trek. Go figure. So, any ideas? Someone in alt.startrek.klingon 
suggested something which translated as "proven", but that doesn't really 
fit. After all, logic is what tells us that the world is flat, but it's 
been proven otherwise. Something else I just found out today is a 
complete lack of a word for Stardate, which, IMHO, is even more 
unforgiveable than a lack of a word for logic. D'OH! Start saying those 
replacement proverbs now, Marc. Completely unrelated to Star Trek: how 
would I translate "big ugly pink thing" into Klingon?

> Qapla',

Thanks! Any info anyone could give me on the above words or phrases would 
be greatly appreciated. Until next time, QuvlijDaq yIH tu'be'lu'jaj!

"Interesting. You saved the day by destroying the world." - Elim Garak.

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