tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Aug 21 02:00:49 1994

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Re: West Coast Klingon Seminar?

>   Would the person who was interested in helping put on a "West Coast" KLI
> Seminar please contact me.  I'd like to get this thing started!
>   Also.. if anyone is interested in attending a KLI seminar in the western
> region of the US, please contact me.  I'd like to see what location is
> central (and cheap) for everyone to get to...
> -majiq

While I certainly want to encourage most anything which promotes the 
Klingon language, the lawyer types require me to step in when I see a 
post like the one above.

As far as I know (and I'm the one who would know) there is NOT a KLI 
Seminar planned for the western region of the U.S.  There may be a 
seminiar in the works, but it is not sponsored by the KLI.

This is a subtle distinction, but an important one, especially given the 
new nonprofit corporate status of the KLI.

Or to give you another and more specific example: The Klingon Language 
Camp held in Minnesota in 1993 *was* sponsored in part by the KLI.  The 
camp held in Minnesota this summer, 1994, was *not* sponsored by the KLI. 
You may have seen it mentioned in HolQeD, and that is because the KLI is 
in the business of promoting the language, and the camp was intended to 
do that, so it was deemed appropriate. If someone (and by someone I mean 
someone qualified and able to pull it off) puts together a Seminar out 
west it too would most likely receive support, as this year's camp did. 
It would still not be a KLI event.  It could become one, but that would 
be between the organizers of the event to work out.

Sorry for the bureaucratic stuff, but like I said, our lawyers require it 
of us.


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