tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sat Dec 25 07:54:03 2010

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Re: Healthy debate

Lieven Litaer ([email protected]) [KLI Member] [Hol ghojwI']

Hi lojmIt,

in one point I agree completely with your anger: we speak way too much 
about Klingon, instead of speaking IN Klingon.

What concerns my distribution of the new words, Voragh said it perfectly:

This way we can thoroughly discuss each new word and keep the threads 
separate.  If Quvar had posted them all at once, you wouldn't be able to 
keep track of which one being discussed.

By the way, I've been on this list for thirteen years now, and I believe 
I am familiar with the use of this list.

ja' lojmIt tI'wI' nuv:
> The question is, who did Okrand write the message for?

You really asked for it, so I answer your question. It was Marc Okrand 
who asked me if any of the students at the German qepHom wanted to know 
anything new from Maltz. I gave him a list of questions which he 
answered partially to publish at the qepHom, for the qepHom.

 > Is it being handled as if we were the intended recipients?
 > Or is it being owned by the single recipient who is using
 > it for his own entertainment value?

I could it just have printed out and hang it on the wall in my kitchen. 
That would be my personal entertainment.

> But I apologize for bringing it up. I spoke as if out of
 > concern for a community and its common property. I keep forgetting
 > that we aren't a community.

Talking about community: Are you a member of the KLI?

> jImevnIS.

bIlugh. wo'rIv tlhIngan Hol mu'tlhegh yIqaw: <bIjatlh 'e' yImev. yItlhutlh.>

PS: reH yIqawtaH: chaq QeHchoHlu', 'ach juppu' maHtaH.


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