tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sat Dec 18 15:05:51 2010

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Lieven Litaer ([email protected]) [KLI Member] [Hol ghojwI']


By the way, did I mention that the message from Maltz was a long 
message? ;-) Here is another word from it:

The word for monastery is {ghIn}.  This is a pretty general term for a 
religious community (and the term "religious" could be interpreted in 
various ways as well), so it can be modified.  A {ghIn'a'} would be a 
pretty important monastery, for example.

(Marc Okrand's Email of November 15th, 2010)


PS: For your records, I will post the complete message after I have 
revealed *all* the words. Let's call it a christmas-present.

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