tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Dec 21 14:44:53 2010

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Re: monastery

Michael Roney, Jr. PKT ([email protected])

The word for monastery is {ghIn}. This is a pretty general term for a 
religious community (and the term "religious" could be interpreted in 
various ways as well), so it can be modified. A {ghIn'a'} would be a 
pretty important monastery, for example. 
As the first person to question the word; I'll try to explain where I was confused.
The first sentence breaks down as "monastery=ghIn". Sweet, new word.

But the second one seems to say "ghIn=general term for a relgious comunity".

Say what?

But then he ends by telling us that "ghIn'a'=a pretty important monastery".

Boreth anyone?

Based on the fact that a monastery is a structure. ghIn is a building.

Oh, but let's take a look at the original question.

Next - what I believe might really be relevant to Klingons - is the word for "monastery". We all know that klingons have this, there's the one on the planet Boreth were they wait for Kahless and praise him like a god. Can Maltz tell anything else about this, or religion? 
Well that should solidify things.
The question was "What's the word for 'monastery'?"

The answer? ghIn.

It would seem that Maltz opted out of further religious commentary.

Bottom line: It's a building.


~Michael Roney, Jr.
Professional Klingon Translator
webOS Developer 

Sent from my Palm Pre
On Dec 18, 2010 18:08, Lieven Litaer <[email protected]> wrote: 


By the way, did I mention that the message from Maltz was a long 

message? ;-) Here is another word from it:


The word for monastery is {ghIn}.  This is a pretty general term for a 

religious community (and the term "religious" could be interpreted in 

various ways as well), so it can be modified.  A {ghIn'a'} would be a 

pretty important monastery, for example.


(Marc Okrand's Email of November 15th, 2010)



PS: For your records, I will post the complete message after I have 

revealed *all* the words. Let's call it a christmas-present.

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