tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sat Oct 21 02:24:06 2006

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Re: Klingon D and Arabic Daad

Lieven Litaer ([email protected]) [KLI Member] [Hol ghojwI']


I'm also one of those who likes learning arabic, and also found some similar sounds there to klingon.
Actually, my klingon language skills made it easier to me to learn arabic - one would not believe it! :-)

But I would say that Daad is not the same as klingon D. For the arabic Daad, the top of the tongue touches your theeth almost like in english, although the pronunciation is a bit stronger. But it sounds still very close to english d.
For the Klingon D, you touch the roof of your mouth way more back towards your throut, as if you would roll your tongue backwards. That gives you the D-sound, which is (almost) near to a G of "go".

By the way, the arabic "ghain"-sound is exactly the same as klingon {gh} (note the similar transcription), just as "qaf" is close to {q}.

this is helpful to learn arabic, as well as to learning klingon!

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