tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Mar 20 19:52:46 2006

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Re: On a more humerous note (some may not think of this as funny)

Shane MiQogh ([email protected])

i ment to say i want it to be more normal. To make it too unique is to ward people away. It's just at the time i had a brain fart when i typed it and because i'm used to talking to people about new ideas to make their things (usually sites or such) unique or such to get their site more attractive. i'm not used to saying "to make it more normal" or something like that... but this is falling off topic now. I will say though, that the objective of klingon should be for us to make it more like other languages (with acronyms and such) so we don't convey (sp?) such a serious apperence to the language as if (like some people to this language) beleive we are klingons...I find when it comes to learning and such, the more differen't something seems the more people are afraid of it. I'm sure most of us here, decided to learn klingon just because of the challenge.
Alan Anderson <[email protected]> wrote:  ja' Shane MiQogh:

> Woops... lol i ment to say if you want to make klingon more normal 
> if you had acronyms... just so used to talking to everyone and 
> their projects (like websites and such) on how to make somehting 
> more unique so it's more attractive and original.

DamotlhmoH DaneH'a'? Dale'moH DaneH'a'? wa' ngoQ yIwIv jay'.
Which do you want, to make it more normal, or more unique?

Realize that Klingon is intended as a spoken language, where acronyms 
and abbreviations are not so important. In this forum especially, we 
tend to try to be as clear and rule-conscious as possible, in order 
to help readers understand.

-- ghunchu'wI'

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