tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sat Apr 24 19:04:45 2004

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Re: a little bit pregnant?

QeS lagh ([email protected])


>The other way around may also be the case, where a ranged possibility may 
>be reduced to a binary opposition. This may explain why we have no word for 
>"grey" (between {chIS} and {qIj}), no word for "liquid" (between {SubwI'} 
>and {SIp}) and (dare I say it) no way to introduce possibility into an
>event: either it's likely or it's not, either it will happen or it won't.  
>Perhaps that's the way a Klingon would treat things.

ghItlhpu' De'vID:

>It seems more probable (!) that we don't know the words for
>"grey" and "liquid" rather than that words for these concepts
>do not exist in Klingon.

Perhaps "liquid" wasn't such a great example; but why do we even need a word 
for "grey"? There's no word for "purple" (I guess that would fall under 
{qIj} or {SuD 'ej Hurgh}; from what Dr Okrand said in KGT about colours, I'd 
plump for it being {qIj}).

Either way, words exist to *describe* these concepts. But there's no actual 
word (that we know) for either of them. While English can certainly describe 
the concept behind {tova'Daq}, there's no single English word for it. That's 
what I meant.

>For "grey", we can say <chIS 'ej Hurgh> or <qIj 'ej wov>.
>For "liquid", <taS> will probably do for most applications.

Odd. Those are exactly what I have been using. :)

While I still do use {taS}, often it's a little strange, because there are a 
few extra implications in the translation ("solution") that I don't like 
(being from a chemistry background). It's fine to say, for instance, {bIQ 
taS na'} "a salty solution of water", {pey cha'puj je taS} "a solution of 
dilithium in acid", but {taS 'oH bIQ'e'} doesn't quite sit right with me. 
Mercury, for instance, is generally pure, not a solution of something in 
something else (unless one was to say it's a solution of mercury in mercury? 
:D) Perhaps {bIQ rurbogh Hap} or {bIQ rurbogh Hap Segh} might be the 


QeS lagh

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