tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sat Apr 24 19:20:43 2004

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Re: 'uD vs. 'uD'a' ?

QeS lagh ([email protected])


>{'uD Haqtaj} could still have {'uD} referring to a light-emitting source in 
>general rather than a laser in particular, to distinguish from a {baS 

ghItlhpu' lay'tel SIvten:

>except that {'uD Haqtaj} is specifically glossed as "laser scalpel" in the 
>new word list, which refers back to HolQeD v1n3(p9), which i don't have.

True, but there's no other light source that can conceivably cut anything, 
so "laser scalpel" is the only sensible interpretation, even if {'uD} did 
just refer to any light source here. I'm not saying {'uD} doesn't mean 
"laser". I think, though, that we shouldn't necessarily rule out {'uD} as 
possibly being just a light source, in addition to the meaning it carries in 
{'uD Haqtaj}.

QeS lagh

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