tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Apr 05 08:38:13 2004

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RE: wa'leS as subject

d'Armond Speers, Ph.D. ([email protected]) [KLI Member] [Hol po'wI']

> so far i haven't heard an answer to my question:
> can i say: latlh jaj 'oH wa'leS'e' = tomorrow is another day.

{wa'leS} is listed in TKD as a noun, so according to the grammar you can use
it this way.  The only example I know of from canon uses it as a timestamp:

TKW p. 153
{yIlop! wa'leS chaq maHegh!}
Celebrate!  Tomorrow we may die!

As for me, I have no problem with your sentence above.

> "ben" is treated differently from "leS" and "Hu'", in that the latter two
> usually written as part of a compound word, whereas "ben" is always

{leS}, {Hu'} and {ben} are all listed as nouns in TKD.  I don't think I've
ever seen a construction like {cha'ben} (compare {cha'Hu'}), but I wouldn't
flinch if I saw it.

That said, we also have this comment from Okrand, in his discussion of {pIq}
and {ret} in HolQeD 8:3:  "The phrase {cha' vatlh ben} would mean '200 years
ago.'"  So the evidence is on your side if you use {ben} as a separate word.

> does anyone have a problem with the sentence above?
> or with:  Hoch jaj rur wa'Hu'/DaHjaj = yesterday was/today is like every

Works for me.

> lay'tel SIvten


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