tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Jul 24 10:25:21 2003

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Re:Re: OMF: BG, DaSov'a'?

 >Since it appears that the BG Quvar hasn't responded, I will.

Well, it wasn't marked KLBC, so there's no real need for him to respond
if he doesn't have the time.

 >Your Klingon is pretty good, so I'll just give the corrected sentence

vItulbej. vIngeHmeH, law'pu' rep vIqonpu'ghach.
I certainly hope it (I hope so).
[Actually, I wanted to write "I should hope so" - but I have no idea
how to write things like "should" "would").]
In order to send it, the writing-hours were many.
[I wanted to say that it "took me hours" to write it, but I didn t find
any way to write "took" or reword it as "needed many hours".]

 >> roD Quj *Daq QInmey*Daq jIghItlhtaH, tlhIngan QIn vIghItlhpu'.
 >> I wrote a message at a [game?] message board I usually write on.
 >roD Quj jabbI'IDghomDaq jIQumbogh QIn vIqon.
 >*{jabbI'IDghom} "mailing list, newsgroup, BBS" is what we normally use
 >on the tlhIngan_Hol List.  It was coined before {QIn} appeared in KGT.

*website* tlhIngan Hol yejHaD lutu'lu'laH boSpu'wI' mu'mey ghoQ?
Can one find a collection of these "slang words" on the KLI site?
[Note: if not, it would be great to have]

 >> 'u' ngaDtaHmeH 'ej jIqeqmeH, Qujvetlh qel QIn, vIghItlhlI'.
 >> In order that the universe stays stable, and too train myself, I
 >> am writing a message concerning that game.
 >ngaDtaHmeH 'u', 'ej jIqeq'eghmeH, Qujvetlh qelbogh QIn'e' vIqonlI'.

jIDogh. mu'tlheghlIj QaQqu'.

 >>*OMF:BG* 'oH pongDaj.
 >>*OMF:BG* is it's name.
 >*OMF:BG* 'oH pongDaj'e'.

Why the " 'e' "?

 >> *One Must Fall: BattleGrounds* 'oS 'oH qor "lujnISlu': vIq Daq" DamaSchugh.
 >> It "means"/represents *One Must Fall: BattleGrounds* or "lujnISlu': vIq
 >> Daq" if you prefer.
 >*One Must Fall: BattleGrounds*, <<lujnISlu': che'ronmey>> (DamaSchugh) 
ghap 'oS.
 >*One Must Fall: BattleGrounds* 'oS pagh <<lujnISlu': che'ronmey>> 
(DamaSchugh) 'oS je.
 >*One Must Fall: BattleGrounds* 'oS; DamaSchugh <<lujnISlu': che'ronmey>> 
'oS je.
 >{che'ron} is "battlefield", which means the same thing as a "battle
 >ground".  *{vIQ Daq} "combat site" isn't bad, but it could also mean
 >something as small as a boxing ring.  *{ghobmeH Daq} "place for doing
 >battle" would be another way to go.

Well, I didn t want to use "che'ron" because the word "battlefield"
sounds like any random place where a battle happened to be, at least I
think it does.
With "vIQ Daq" I meant some sort of arena, because the fighting(well,
combat) is done at certain "battlegrounds" or arenas.

 >> QujDaq ghobtaH qoqmey.  rut Suvchu' bIH.
 >> Robots battle in the game.  Sometimes to the death.
 >qaStaHvIS Quj, ghobtaH qoqmey.
 >bIQujtaHvIS, ghobtaH qoqmey.
 >{-Daq} "in, on, at, etc." is always a physical location.  It's used
 >much less often than the corresponding words in English.

Ah. So it's ONLY physical. Good, I'll have to memorize that. Hmm. Now
that I look at the dictionary, I find that it's even described that
way. I should have looked...

 >Putting the two sentences together, instead of {ghob} you can contrast
 >{Suv} with {Suvchu'}:
 >bIQujtaHvIS Suvchuq qoqmey; rut Suvchuqchu'.

Yes, that's much better.

 >Also, I've never seen {-beH} used on a pronoun, but if you can put Rovers
 >and aspect suffixes on them, I don't see why not.  Another way is to use
 >the verb {Quj}:
 >tugh QujbeHlu'
 >Soon the game will be ready to be played.

Hmm. That's better. I didn't like the " 'oHbej " anyway, I just didn't
find any better way.

 >{tlhuch} "exhaust" probably refers to exhausting {taQbang} "exhaust" (i.e.
 >waste products); if Okrand meant to be very, very tired, he would have said
 >"be exhausted" (he's usually precise with his glosses).  Use {Doy'qu'} "be
 >very tired" or, even better, the slang term {Qop} "be worn out" (literally
 >"be dead", i.e. be dead-tired).  Either way, don't add {-pu'}, which marks
 >the completion of the action of the verb.

I thought the word wouldn't be correct, didn't think of using tired

 >> Corrections welcome,
 >Well, you asked for it!  <g>


One last question though. Out of curiosity - why didn't you send this
mail to the Mailing list?  Mistake or intention?

potlhbe'. (Is there a word for "anyway"?)
QaHlIjvaD, qatlho'.

 >Ca'Non Master of the Klingons


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