tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Jul 24 10:27:42 2003

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Re: no matter what happens...

ghItlh Quvar:
> I'm working on a new version of the song {Duj tIvoqtaH}
> The main them of the song is "no matter what happens, trust your instincts!"

I just noticed the title, and I'm wondering if you really
want {tI-}. This would indicate a plural object, which
would agree with "instincts", but the phrase is actually
an idiom and is literally "Trust your ship", which is

> Is there a way to say such a thing in Klingon? How would you do it?
> The first part has four lines:
> if tribbles could tickle you;
> vulcans do laugh or not;
> no matter if someone survived khitomer or not;
> and even if the commander's nose is shiny:
> Trust your instincts!!
> the contents of this is not so important, we don't have to stick to the original text, it's just the idea 
> that counts: "no matter what happens, trust your instincts!"
> I translated it with every line starting with {chaq} "perhaps":
> {chaq nIqotlh ...}
> {chaq qIDlaHbe' ...}
> etc.

charghwI' used to like the word {ram} 'be trivial' a lot, and
this might work here, eg. {Haghchugh vulqangan, ram} (or
{potlhbe'}. It would also work with {-DI'}: {nIqotlhDI' yIH,
potlhbe'}.  If you want to stick with {chaq}: {chaq nIqolth yIH 'ach ram}, etc. I'm not sure what would fit the metre.
> Now one could say that it's bad to have every line starting with the same word, I agree. But the 
> songwriter said it's good for the sound of the song!

An effect I kind of like is to use the same beginning most
of the time but vary it with something else that rhymes
from time to time.  An example of this is the song Y.M.C.A.,
where most lines begin "Young man", but at one point they
change it to "No man". For one verse of the song, after the
"young man" pattern has been well established, they sing
completely different words which fit the same stress pattern,
which I find a nice effect, too.

> Anyway, I'm interested to see your suggestions on how this idea can be translated in a better way.
> (and if possible before 0200 EST, 'cause they wanna record 
> tomorrow!)


> Thanks for quick answers!
> Quvar
> >nom bom chom<

-- ter'eS

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