tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Jul 14 21:57:25 2003

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Re: My 2^â (was Re: Is the language too bound for its own good? (was Re: Klingon - Terminology Databases (IMHO)))

I agree completely that comparing Tolkien and Okrand is, for many
reasons, unfair to the both of them, and the fact that the languages are
completely different in reason and scope adds to the aforementioned
unfairness, but the two have one thing in common: they are both actively
spoken by a dedicated, if small, group of people who wish to see these
evolve into workable, lasting languages, and not just another attempt at
lojban, esperanto, or the like. They are both grammatically distinct from
english, and to my knowledge, every other known language (except perhaps
a scandinavian one). And while Tolkien created his languages out of *his*
desire to add detail and history to *his* story for *his* sake. But, once
his readers got interested in it, it grew beyond that scope.
Unfortunately, we know too little of Khuzdul or Westron (which irks me as
well, to no end, being the lingual whore I am) to use on an "everyday"
basis, but Sindarin has, and Klingon has as well. Until/unless there are
distinct, dedicated communities (like, live-in communities) for these
languages (and one such is in the works for Sindarin, btw), or some other
such solution comes about, we'll be limited to this, qepHommey, and
qep'a'mey. So, it does no good for anyone to say "we need to expand the
language", without giving suggestions. Here's my suggestion: just speak.
Speak klingon whenever you feel like it, whether you'll be understood or
not. You can always function as your own translator. No big, right?
That's what I'm gonna do as soon as I get the hang of the language. =)
Heck, I do it now.

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