tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Dec 17 03:22:48 2003

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Re: peqIm: Unsubscribe requests

Lieven L. Litaer (Quvar) ([email protected]) [KLI Member] [Hol ghojwI']

Am 16.12.2003 20:31:27, schrieb Philip Newton <[email protected]>:

>"we can apparently continuously cause them to need very much to start
>reading" vIyaj jIH'e'.

I already did the klingon explanation, but here's *my* english translation
"apparently we really need to constantly be able to cause them to start to read."

>So your translation is a valid translation, as is mine. 

Good! There are always many translations for one phrase, especially with "too many" suffixes.

>Each of those three contains the pieces in a different order, but
>regardless of which order is intended, the Klingon word can only be one,
>due to the suffix ordering (except for -qu', of course, since it's a
>rover). For example, I think I can force -nIS to apply to "us" or to
>"them"; it has to go in the "type 2" slot regardless of whether it's
>"before" the -moH or after conceptually.

This is why it's difficult for beginners to get used to the fact that if you "need" {-nIS} to "open" 
{poSmoH} it's wrong to say *poSmoHnIS*!
It must always follow the suffix order, so it becomes {poSnISmoH}.
Of course, this can also mean "cause to need to be open" - but it doesn't make that much sense.

Is this confusing?
No, it's easy! :-)

just remember it's always {-nISmoH} if you "need to cause".


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