tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Dec 16 13:26:36 2003

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Re: peqIm: Unsubscribe requests

Philip Newton ([email protected]) [KLI Member]

On (No, or invalid, date.), "Regina Reusser"
<[email protected]> wrote:

> ghItlh Quvar:
> > DIlaDnISqu'choHmoHlaHlaw'taH
> >
> > DaH vIyajlu''a'?
> DaH jIyaj 'e' vIHar. mojaqmey choghojmoHtaHmo' qatlho'.
> mu'tlheghlIj vImugh 'e' vInID:
> it seems that we absolutely must continuously be able to
> make them read from now on.

"we can apparently continuously cause them to need very much to start
reading" vIyaj jIH'e'.

As far as I know, if you have more than one suffix, then the meanings
may not combine in the order the suffixes are presented. (tlhIngan Hol
vIlo'taHvIS mu'tleghvam vIjatlh 'e' vInID, 'ach jIjatlhlahbe'.)

So your translation is a valid translation, as is mine. Another possible
translation might be "we absolutely need to begin to make them be able
(continuously) to apparently read". Context has to determine which is

Your translation fits "-law' + DI- + -nISqu' + -taH + -laH + -moH + laD
+ -choH". My first translation fits "DI- + -laH + -law' + -taH + -moH +
-nISqu' + -choH + laD" and my second translation fits "DI- + -nISqu' +
-choH + -moH + -laH + -taH + -law' + -laD".

Each of those three contains the pieces in a different order, but
regardless of which order is intended, the Klingon word can only be one,
due to the suffix ordering (except for -qu', of course, since it's a
rover). For example, I think I can force -nIS to apply to "us" or to
"them"; it has to go in the "type 2" slot regardless of whether it's
"before" the -moH or after conceptually.


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