tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sat Oct 31 09:31:28 1998

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Re: KLBC: Sormey Hol

Robyn Stewart wrote:

> ---Pam Felton  wrote:
> > didn't know how to use it until I saw you write SoHvaD jItlhIj.  I
> looked
> > that and said, "What in the world did he do that for?  Poor fellow
> is off > his rocker."  Then I thought, "Well, it HAS to be right so I
> better figure > it out."
> Don't think that.  Don't ever think that about anyone's post, no
> matter how many years they've been a BG.  Don't even think that about
> Marc Okrand's posts. Don't assume that the BG just made a mistake,
> because it might be something you didn't know, but don't assume you're
> just clueless, either.  If every time you see something that you think
> might be a mistake, you ask about it, you will 1) look stupid now and
> then for a while, 2) learn a hell of a lot, 3) have a lot of lurkers
> silently thanking you and 4) look really smart a few months down the
> road.

You're right.  In most cases, when something in one of youns'
(Pennsylvania plural for you) posts confuse me, I just study it for a
while and things become clear and I learn from it.  If it continues to
confuse me, I usually think that it may be a mistake or, more likely,  I'm
just not experienced enough to read it.  I know it's okay to ask for an
explanation of confusing grammar though.

> We've all been wrong.  Some of us have been wrong at the top of our
> lungs.

> > I'm working on Qov's lightning story right now.
> jIreHmeH jIH lutvetlh vIlab.  latlhvaD lI'laHpu' 'e' vIqelbe'. motlh
> vay' vIlab, tIq jabbI'ID.  chaq machwI'mey Daj vIlI'nIS.

Your story was a nice length.  It just takes me a while to read it because
I memorize the root words that I don't know before I read it.  It's a good
way to expand my vocab and I like to translate when I'm familiar with all
the words.  The first couple times I read things I'm usually confused.  I
wasn't sure what machwI'mey was.  Smallers?  Then I remembered seeing
something like that in one of your other stories.... 'ughwI'mey.  So when
I figured it out I was so happy because it's amazing the things I can do
if I only know all those little tricky things.  I thought that adding -wI'
could only be done with professions or objects that do something like
toasters toast.  You know, that kind of thing.  You never know what will
be useful to others.  You could write one sentence and I could learn
something wonderful from it.

> > Maybe natives aren't as static filled as foreigners.
> jImon. <home> <away> je vImugh 'e' vInID.  novqu'be'law' SuchwI'pu'.

nov pagh Sung chaH.  DaH mIQ.  Do'Ha'.


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