tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Oct 27 15:14:35 1998

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KLBC: Sormey Hol

veng ngo'Daq Hujbogh Dochmey net tu'.  reH bommey bombogh ghotpu' tu'lu'.  not
tam ghotpu' 'ach mob.  vIqaghchugh QeHchoH.  jIHvaD jach.  jIyajbe' 'e' Hol tIQ
lulo'.  vaj bommeychaj bomqa'.  'IvvaD bom.  SormeyvaD bom'a'.  jI'Ijchugh jatlh
Sormey 'e' chaq vIQoy.  ja' Sormey jupwI' qatlho'.  ja' mutungHa' bommeylIj.
ja' DaH jInenchoH.  ja' DaH jIHoS.

One notices strange things in the old city.  There are people who always sing
songs.  They are alone but they are never quiet.  If I interrupt them, they
become angry.  They shout at me.  They use an ancient language that I don't
understand.  Then they resume singing their songs.  To whom do they sing?  Do
they sing to the trees?  If I listen, perhaps I will hear the trees speak.  They
will say, "Thank you my friend.  Your songs encouraged me.  Now I will grow.
Now I will be strong."


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