tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Oct 28 08:19:53 1998

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RE: Death to the opposition

:         use the suffix <-jaj> on the verb <Hegh>. You also need the proper
: suffix on <jagh>, and that suffix depends on who the opposition is. If it is
: our opposition, the suffix should be <-ma'>. If you are speaking to a group,
: and wishing death to their opposition (you would say "your opposition"), the
: suffix should be <-ra'>.

Just how many enemies do you have?  Unless there are more than you can keep
track of, you don't really "need the proper suffix on <jagh>".  Surely it will
be clear from the context which enemy you mean!  No one - not even a Klingon -
just walks into a room and shouts "Death to the opposition!" for no reason.

: Heghjaj jaghma'

<Heghjaj jagh!> is simpler and has the added advantage of being suitable for
all occasions.  

But then, I belong to the "less is more" school of writing, a.k.a. KISS ("keep
it simple, stupid"):  the simplest solution with the fewest words is usually
the more expressive and eloquent.  In other words, don't add any suffix you
don't absolutely, positively need to be clear *in context*, or unless you want
to particularly emphasize its meaning.  Thus, I would only say <Heghjaj
jaghma'> when I wanted to contrast *our* dastardly enemy (who is clearly
deserves death) with someone else's (who doesn't).

Chacun a son gout.

: pagh
: Beginners' Grammarian

Voragh                            "Grammatici certant et adhuc sub judice
Ca'Non Master of the Klingons      lis est."         Horace (Ars Poetica)

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