tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Oct 27 16:03:39 1998

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RE: KLBC: Sormey Hol

lab K'ryntes:
> veng ngo'Daq Hujbogh Dochmey net tu'.

There is no main verb in the first bit, so you can't use <net>. You have to
say either <... Huj Dochmey net tu'> or <... Hujbogh Dochmey tu'lu'>. Based
on the English, you meant the second one.

> reH bommey bombogh ghotpu' tu'lu'.

This is fine, but it seems like you are a little hung up on what you want
the English to be. Here's my suggestion for an alternative: <bomtaHwI'pu'
tu'lu'>. Think about that, and I am sure you will come up with dozens of
variations on how to say this. Pick the one you like best.

> not tam ghotpu' 'ach mob.
> vIqaghchugh QeHchoH.
> jIHvaD jach.

maj. I might use <ghotpu'vam> or <bomwI'pu'> or <bomwI'pu'vam> to make it
flow better, though. I would probably also put <-taH> on <mob>.

> jIyajbe' 'e' Hol tIQ lulo'.

Not quite. Let's try analyzing the English "They use an ancient language
which I do not understand."  First, "They use..." is <lulo'>, which is fine.
"An ancient language" is <Hol tIQ> - also fine. The part with the problem is
<... which I don't understand>. This is done in Klingon with a <-bogh>
clause: <Hol tIQ vIyajbe'bogh ...>

Hol tIQ vIyajbe'bogh lulo'.

> vaj bommeychaj bomqa'.

This use of <vaj> as "then" doesn't work. <vaj> can only mean "then" in a
logical sense, as in "if A then B". If you just leave it off, the sentence
is fine. You might add <tugh> to the beginning of the sentence to make it

> 'IvvaD bom.  
> SormeyvaD bom'a'.

maj. If you are going to use punctuation, though, use ?'s on questions.

> jI'Ijchugh jatlh Sormey 'e' chaq vIQoy.  

I would say <... chaq 'e' vIQoy>, although we have canon examples of
sticking the adverbial after the <'e'>, so yours is fine as well.

> ja' Sormey jupwI' qatlho'.

The direct address here - <jupwI' qatlho'> - is fine, but a comma would make
it clearer for the reader. Note that it works in either order - <qatlho',
jupwI'> or <jupwI', qatlho'>.

> ja' mutungHa' bommeylIj.
> ja' DaH jInenchoH.  
> ja' DaH jIHoS.
> One notices strange things in the old city.  There are people 
> who always sing songs.  They are alone but they are never quiet.  
> If I interrupt them, they become angry.  They shout at me.  
> They use an ancient language that I don't understand.  Then 
> they resume singing their songs.  To whom do they sing?  Do
> they sing to the trees?  If I listen, perhaps I will hear the 
> trees speak.  They will say, "Thank you my friend.  Your songs 
> encouraged me.  Now I will grow. Now I will be strong."

majQa' !!!  bomvam Daqon pagh Damugh? Daqonchugh vaj batlh bIqonchu'.
Damughchugh vaj mughmeH chovnatlh nIv DawIv.

Beginners' Grammarian

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