tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Oct 23 14:49:14 1998

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 -=> Quoting Thornton to Lisa Stapp <=-

mu'mey ngo' DIlo'laHbe'chugh mu'mey chu' DIHutlhHa'ba'.

 Th> By "more extensive set" I mean more new words. I think more
 Th> people would take an interest in Klingon if there were more
 Th> words for the things that they would want to say, and the Star 
 Th> Trek writers might just do a better job, too. 

 Th> You say that there is not a "language committee", but I think
 Th> it's actually a great idea. The KLI could be the sponsor, and 
 Th> Dr. Okrand could be the chair, with final say on additions and 
 Th> changes to tlhIngan Hol, of course. I know tlhIngan Hol is his 
 Th> intellectual property, but I would think that he would like to 
 Th> see it grow (but he might not, either). Has anyone ever talked 
 Th> to him about it? Has he ever said either about further 
 Th> development of tlhIngan Hol?
Lisa Stapp
[email protected]			[email protected]
___ Blue Wave/386 v2.30 [NR]

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