tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Oct 21 19:05:05 1998

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Fw: More words

-----Original Message-----
From: Alan Anderson <[email protected]>
To: Multiple recipients of list <[email protected]>
Date: martes 20 de octubre de 1998 20:15
Subject: Re: More words

>ja' "Rose, Thornton (Atlanta)" <[email protected]>:
>>I know that this is a little off topic, and probably will rub some
>>people the wrong way (how's that for a colloquialism?), but has
>>anyone thought about or worked on creating a much more extensive
>>set of words for tlhIngan Hol?
>Two things come to my mind in response to this question.  First, what
>do you mean by "a much more extensive set" in the first place?  There
>are quite a lot of words already.  In what direction are you wanting
>to extend the list?  What are you having difficulty expressing within
>the existing vocabulary?  Let us know what you want to say, and we can
>either help you do it with what we have or explain why what we have is
>not up to the task.
>Second -- we aren't creating tlhIngan Hol anyway.  We're just studying
>and using it.  There isn't a "language committee" set up to invent new
>vocabulary or suffixes or grammar or idioms.  We take the language as
>it exists and explore its limits.  On occasion we reach what look like
>definite boundaries.  Sometimes we encounter gaps that seem to cry out
>to be filled, but *we* aren't the ones who can fill it.  The language
>belongs to Marc Okrand, and we do not try to take it from him.
>-- ghunchu'wI'

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