tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Oct 16 10:18:47 1998

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RE: Honor to you and your house!

: I would opt for the following translations, the first one being 
: general, the second one being a little more personal:
: quvjaj SoH je tuqlIj
: "May you and your house be honored."
: SoH je tuqlIj vIquvmoH
: "I honor you and your house."
: (Not that the my usage of /je/ above is based on the colloquial 
: usage as described in KGT.)
: ~ Thornton

I hadn't thought of using {-jaj}.  Nice and simple.

But why is use {je} like this here?  Saying {naQjej 'etlh je taj} for the
correct {naQjej 'etlh taj je} "spear, sword, and knife" is described as a
"common youthful error" (KGT p.139).  Common perhaps, but an error
nonetheless.  "Honor to you and your House" sounds pretty formal to me: 

  quvjaj SoH tuqlIj je.
  "May you and your house be honored."

or just *possibly* as a toast:

  SoH tuqlIj je quvjaj!
  "May you and your house be honored!"

thought we'd better check with Maltz first since we all know how careful you
have to be when making toasts.

"Grammatici certant et adhuc sub judice
 Ca'Non Master of the Klingons                              lis est."
       Horace (Ars Poetica)

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