tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Oct 16 09:18:22 1998

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RE: Honor to you and your house!

>> I'm having trouble translating the phrase "honor to you and your house".
>> I think we need to use the verb here, with an indefinite subject suffix
>> But how does that work with two objects? I'm asking this here because
>> somebody already has translated that phrase
>> Quvar muHwI'
>With two objects - particularly if different prefixes are required or if
>are attached suffixes such as {-vaD} - Klingon tends to repeat the verb in
>second clause or follow-up sentence.  Here's an example from the restaurant
>scene in CK:
>  SoHvaD 'uQ wej vIqem.  Dargh vIqem je.
>  I'll bring you dinner number three. I'll bring tea also.
> ...[cut]...
>More simply, just use the verb {quvmoH}, "honor (someone)":
>  SoSwI' vavwI' je quvmoHjaj paqvam 
>  [Okrand's dedication in KGT]
>  Hochlogh no' yIquvmoH
>  All times honor your ancestors (sic) KGT
>  reH no' yIquvmoH 
>  Always honor your ancestors. KGT
>This gives us:
>  qaquvmoH 'ej tuqlIj vIquvmoH.
>  "I honor you and I honor your House."
> ...[cut]...
> Voragh

I would opt for the following translations, the first one being 
general, the second one being a little more personal:

quvjaj SoH je tuqlIj
"May you and your house be honored."

SoH je tuqlIj vIquvmoH
"I honor you and your house."

(Not that the my usage of /je/ above is based on the colloquial 
usage as described in KGT.)

~ Thornton

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