tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Oct 15 20:23:55 1998

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transmit (was: KLBC Tribbleball)

From: William H. Martin <[email protected]>

>On Tue, 13 Oct 1998 22:51:13 -0700 (PDT) Johnny Wilson
><[email protected]> wrote:
>> lab pagh
>"Nobody uploads." ? The gloss translation of {lab} is "transmit
>data (away from a place)". From context in ST3, we can tell that
>means away from the place that the person is standing who is
>doing the transmitting. If I send you a message, {QIn vIlab.
>QInvam DalI'.} I send; you receive. I upload; you download. I
>don't see where this game has anything to do with transmitting,

Er, well, this is just your interpretation, and not one I necessarily agree
with.  Another interpretation which makes more sense to me is a simple focus
on either the sender or the receiver.  If I send a message, {jabbI'ID vIlab}
or {jabbI'ID vIlI'}, depending on the context of what I'm talking about.  If
I mean to talk about the fact that the information has left the transmission
site, I'd use {jabbI'ID vIlab}.  If I mean to talk about the fact that the
data has been sent to its destination, I'd use {jabbI'ID vIlI'}.  Thus, when
Kruge gave the order {De' yIlI'}, he was speaking to Valkris, and telling
her to transmit the data TO ITS DESTINATION.  If he had said {De' yIlab}, he
would have been talking about transmitting the data away from the freighter,
never mind its destination.

And when Kruge gave that order, the angle shot is tight on him, and he's
looking off-screen at an indeterminable place.

Stardate 98788.8

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