tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Oct 21 19:05:06 1998

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Fw: Atlanta

-----Original Message-----
From: Andeen, Eric <[email protected]>
To: Multiple recipients of list <[email protected]>
Date: miércoles 21 de octubre de 1998 13:22
Subject: RE: Atlanta

>lab Rose Thornton:
>> *Atlanta* vengDaq vIyIn.
>The prefix on <vIyIn> should instead be <jI->, but there is a better way to
>say this. <yIn> means "live", as in "be alive", and probably cannot be
>applied to things like "I live in ...". In KGT, we are given the word
>which means "dwell in, reside at", and is just what you want here.
>*Atlanta* veng vIDab.
>> latlh tetlhvam beqpu' *Atlanta* vengDaq yInbogh tu'lu'?
>I see what you are going for, but this doesn't quite work. I think you are
>little too hung up on the English you are trying to translate. Instead of
>"Are there other list members who live in Atlanta?", which makes for a very
>awkward Klingon sentence, you should try to say "Do other list members live
>in Atlanta?". This is less awkward even in English - one of the benefits of
>learning Klingon is that it improves your knowledge of your own language.
>The good news here is that your use of <latlh> is just fine. I would
>substituting <jeSwI'> for <beq>. I understood you just fine, but <jeSwI'>
>describes the list members better, I think.
>*Atlanta* veng luDab'a' latlh tetlhvam jeSwI'pu'.
>> I live in Atlanta. Are there other list members that
>> live in Atlanta?
>I don't know of any.
>> (In addition to answering the question, please correct my grammar.
>> I am not comfortable with my usage of {latlh} or my word order. I
>> wanted to say {yInbogh *Atlanta* vengDaq}, but I thought that was
>> too much like English.)
>It was a good attempt. Keep trying.
>Beginners' Grammarian

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