tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed May 06 16:31:18 1998

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cheghta' be'nalwI' - jajmaj wa'DIch

toH! cheghta' be'nalwI' *Sarah*. matay'qa'taH. rIntaH Qu''a'Daj.
ngaDqa'lI' yInmaj.

vaghleS po lupDuj vergh'a' vIghoS 'ej pawtaHvIS *Sarah* lupDuj (1)
jIloS. loQ paS 'ach qay'be'. pawpu'mo' Quch *Sarah* 'ej jIQuch.
qaStaHvIS wejmaH Soch rep Qongbe'taHmo' Doy'qu' 'ej loQ bergh, 'ach

lupDuj vergh'a'vo' mamej 'ej Suyqach'a' wIghoS. pa' *camera* Suy wIghoS
'ej chamwI'vaD *film* law' wInob. QoQ ta DIje'. jIH'a' lut wIbej.
*camera* Suyvo' *photographs* DIDIl 'ej DISuqqa'. Qe'Daq megh 'ey wISop.

juHmaj wIghoS. juHDaq *Sarah* luch wIqeng. Sajmaj *ZaZu* mo'Daq chol
*Sarah*. poSmoH 'ej SIbI' ghopDajDaq toS *ZaZu*. Quchlaw'. *Sarah*-vaD
"Hello" jatlh *ZaZu*. qay'be'bej. 

maleS. maja'chuq. matay'qa'taH 'e' wItIvqu'. maghungqa'DI' latlh Qe'
wIghoS. 'uQ wISop.

Doy'qu' *Sarah*, 'ach wovtaHvIS chal Qongbe'taH neH ghaH. cha'maH
wejvatlh rep QongDaqDaq QotchoH 'ej SIbI' QongchoH.

rIn jajmaj wa'DIch.


(1) I've always been curious about this usage - *Sarah* lupDuj =
"Sarah's plane". I'm not sure the Klingon can go there. She certainly
doesn't own the thing - it is just associated with her for the moment to
differentiate it from all the other planes at the airport. I don't know
if this usage is idiomatic to English or fairly universal. This will
probably start a long debate...

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