tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun May 31 13:30:25 1998

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Re: cheghta' be'nalwI' - jajmaj wa'DIch

ja' pagh:
>Doy'qu' *Sarah*, 'ach wovtaHvIS chal Qongbe'taH neH ghaH. cha'maH
>wejvatlh rep QongDaqDaq QotchoH 'ej SIbI' QongchoH.
>rIn jajmaj wa'DIch.

taghpa' rInlaw' je ramraj wa'DIch. :-)

>(1) I've always been curious about this usage - *Sarah* lupDuj =
>"Sarah's plane". I'm not sure the Klingon can go there. She certainly
>doesn't own the thing - it is just associated with her for the moment to
>differentiate it from all the other planes at the airport. I don't know
>if this usage is idiomatic to English or fairly universal. This will
>probably start a long debate...

The debate has already occurred at least once.  Canon usage suggests that
the noun-noun "possessive" construction is not strictly limited to owners.
{peq chem} and {woj choHwI'} are the usual examples cited to support the
expanded "attributive noun" interpretation.

-- ghunchu'wI'

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