tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun May 03 00:03:08 1998

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Re: Some questions and ideas

>The person who created the glyphs is Michael Okuda who designs the
>sets for the whole Star Trek series.

The symbols being discussed were created by Astra Image Corporation for
use in Star Trek: The Motion Picture.

ja' pagh:
>I'm not talking about Okuda's offical glyphs from the show!!  I'm talking
>about the computer font which we can buy on the KLI merchant page!

They are the same things, with a few minor stylistic differences around
the edges and a few symbols missing from the font.

>Again, the font already exists; we can buy it from the KLI, without problems
>from Paramount!  I know they are not canon, but many of us use them.  They
>already exist.  We use them, but we can't refer to the individual symbles?!

I have three ways that *I* use to refer to letters of the KLIpIqaDmey font.
The main method is simply to make the sound it represents.  The other way
that most people would understand is to invoke the name of the romanized
spelling equivalent:  kyoo, aye, see-aitch, big kyoo, oh, tick.  I've got
another possibility as well, using the keyboard mapping of the letters to
name them -- kay, aye, see, kyoo, oh, tick -- but not many people would be
able to recognize it quickly.

-- ghunchu'wI'

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