tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri May 01 10:29:40 1998

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Re: Some questions and ideas

>> Since the glyphs are already not canon, why don't we have someone (whoever
>> created the glyphs) create (non-canon) names for this (non-canon) writing
>> system?
>The person who created the glyphs is Michael Okuda who designs the
>sets for the whole Star Trek series.

I'm not talking about Okuda's offical glyphs from the show!!  I'm talking
about the computer font which we can buy on the KLI merchant page!

>And in case you think maybe the person who arbitrarily assigned
>glyphs to letters could name the glyphs, the original person
>who did that is now unknown and the person who did the most
>popular font with this assignment happens to be the head of the
>KLI and is not interested in doing anything so likely to
>attract the attention of Paramount's lawyers as to name
>characters we weren't really supposed to be using in the first

Again, the font already exists; we can buy it from the KLI, without problems
from Paramount!  I know they are not canon, but many of us use them.  They
already exist.  We use them, but we can't refer to the individual symbles?!



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