tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri May 01 14:13:01 1998

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Re: Some questions and ideas

ghItl;h DloraH:

>Again, the font already exists; we can buy it from the KLI, without
>from Paramount! I know they are not canon, but many of us use them. They
>already exist. We use them, but we can't refer to the individual symbles?!

!!! indeed! I don't see the point of the fuss. First, remember these are
SOUNDS! Think of it like transliterated Mandarin, perhaps, or the phonic
spelling of words associated with specific hieroglyphics. Ask a Chinese what
a particular sound is called, and he/she will likely make the sound! Ask
what a particular character is called, and you'll be given the associated
word. Point: Not all languages have an alphabet where the written letters
represent the heard sounds.

If ome wants to refer to the fourth sound-letter in <loDHom> one can just go
<H>! Unless one is trying to mimic the way a Terran language is learned by
learning the alphabet, how does this not suit one's needs?

Maybe Klingons don't learn an alphabet! How does that grab ya'? Maybe they
have an ancient song which helps youngsters learn the writing system. Maybe
the first three letters are <yu, bIm, 'egh>. It's not all that important in
the long run, is it?


Dochvam nuq? <H> 'oH. potlhbe' latlh De'.


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