tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Jul 29 20:41:54 1998

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Re: qep'a' QonoSHom

mugh tuv'el:
>> [I invite eager students to post translations of this message.]
>> Hoch vIlIjpa' 'op wanI' vIDel vIneH.
>I have forgotten all (? Hoch vIlIjpu') I want to describe an unknown

The suffix I wrote was {-pa'}, not {-pu'}.  "Before I forget everything..."
{'op} means an unspecified *number*, an unknown *amount* of something.
{'op wanI'} "some events".

>> mabomchu'ta'!  SeymoH <taHjaj wo'>.  Qanqor bom chu' vItIv je --
>> bavchuqlaw' QoQ tlheghmey.  'ej not <DaHjaj po> lIjlu' 'e' vItul.
>We have sung perfectly!  <May the empire continue> excites.  I enjoyed
>Krankor's new song also --The lines of the music seem to orbit one
>another.  And I hope <today's morning> will never be forgotten.

Fine, though you might want to consider the "completely" meaning of the
verb suffix {-chu'} on occasion.

>> loQ qetlh 'uQ wa'DIch Soj, 'ach Dajbej juppu'.  mutlhej be'nalwI',
>> puqloDwI', puqloDwI' jup je.  maSoptaHvIS, muyu' puq:  "How do you say
>> 'Good eating tonight' in Klingon?"  vIjangmeH burghwIjvo' SIp chuS
>> vItlhuD.  Haghchu' chaH.  DaH qIDwIj vIpay -- reH *burp* chaH jay'.
>The first dinner's food was slightly unintersting, but the friends were
>certainly interesting.  My wife, my son,and my friend's son accompanied
>me.  While we were eating, they asked me:  "How do you say
>'Good eating tonight' in Klingon?"  I emitted noisy gas from my stomach as
>a reply.
>They laughed perfectly .  I regret my joke now -- They always friggin'
>*burp* .

Again, okay, but "laughed perfectly" doesn't really capture the idea of
a hysterical laughing fit that {Haghchu'} implies to me.

>> Dunqa' <pegh mu'>.  Qujvetlh vIbej 'e' vItIv.  rut tlhaQbej mu'mey.
>> <nIbpoH> 'oH wa' mu''e'.  DelmeH, jatlhlu' <qaSqa'law'>.  yajbe' qoch.
>> SIbI' jatlh ghol <qaSqa'law'>.  tlhoS ravDaq vIpum jIHaghqu'mo'.
>The <secret word> was great again.

{pegh mu'} is the name of the game.  If you're going to add the word "the",
you should probably put it in quotes as well.

>I enjoyed watching that game.  The
>words were undoubtedly funny sometimes.One word was <deja vu>.  One says
><it can happen again> to describe it.

You were going along fine translating into past tense -- why the sudden
shift to present?  My words didn't imply it, and I sure didn't mean it.
"{qaSqa'law'} was said in order to describe it."  Oh, you don't know the
game?  It's like the old "password", where a secret word is given to one
player and he has to give a single-word clue to his partner.  Two teams
alternate giving clues until one player correctly identifies the secret
word his partner is describing, or until too many guesses have been made.

I wrote {qaSqa'law'} "it seems to recur", not {qaSqa'laH} "it can recur".

>[My] partner didn't understand.

Not *my* partner, just the partner playing the game.

>The opponent immediately said <it can happen again.>

Same confusion between {law'} and {laH}.

>I nearly fell to the
>floor because I laughed so hard.


>> SIbDoH wov wIbej 'e' wInID.  nIS 'engmey.  wInIDqa'DI' maQap 'ej
>> quvwIj vItoDlaw'.
>We tried to watch a bright satellite.  Clouds interfered.  When we tried
>again we succeeded andI apparently saved my honor.


>> DISvam maH puS HoS wa'ben maH puS puj.  chaq mapuS, 'ach mapo'bej!
>> jIyay'.  motlh mayajchuqlaHmeH ngeD.  pIj maba' 'ej majaw neH.
>> wanI'vammo' jIQuchqu'.  roD jIja'nISchugh tlhIngan Hol vIlo'.
>> chongbej Holmaj!
>We were a fewer this year than last year.  Perhaps we were few, but we
>were certainly skilled!I was shocked.  It was usually easy to understand
>each other.  We often sat and just chatted.
>I am very happy because of this event.


>I use Klingon if I need to report regularly.

I guess it can be read that way, but again it's an awkward sudden shift out
of past tense.  What I intended was more along the lines of "Usually, if I
had to say something, I used Klingon."

>Our language is clearly vertical (excellent)!
>> Qov jech pov Daleghta'be' bIDo'Ha'.  tlhIngan SuvwI' qu' ghaHbej, 'ej
>> Sut chenmoHwI' po' ghaHlaw' je.
>You are unlucky [if] you've never seen Qov's excellent disguise.  (? Qov
>jech pov Daleghta'be'chugh bIDo'Ha'.)

HIvqa' veqlargh.  I omitted a {-chugh} exactly where you expected one.
I don't think the {-ta'be'} combination implies "never"; if that's what
I had meant, I'd have used {not}.  What I had in mind was "If you didn't
manage to see..."  And I think "unfortunate" is a better translation than
"unlucky" here.

>She is certainly a fierce Klingon
>warrior, and she also seems to be an expert clothing maker.


>> <wa'nem Qo'noSDaq!  wa'nem juHqo'Daq!>  mu'meyvam vIjatlhtaHvIS jIpaS.
>> rInchoHtaHvIS qep'a' vIjatlhnISpu'.  'ach mu' paS QaQ law' pagh mu'
>> QaQ puS, qar'a'?
><Next year to Kronos!  Next year to the home world!>

Obviously you don't recognize the reference I am making, but the translation
is fine.

>I was late while speaking these words.

I *am* late; I'm speaking them now.  I wrote them at the same time I wrote
the sentence that refers to them.

>While conference was finishing up, I needed to speak.

{...vIjatlhnISpu'} "I had needed to speak *them*."  The {vI-} is significant.

>But a late word is better than no word at all, right?

This is fine, though "no word at all" is a bit of an embellishment.

>> -- ghunchu'wI'
>  -- The perfect programmer

No, it's just my name.  I don't think of it as a word with a real meaning
any more than I think of a vertical rockface when I hear the name "Cliff"
or a metalworker when I hear the name "Smith".  Or, more to the point, I
don't often think of "be loyal" when I hear a reference to our favorite
Klingon-in-the-basement, {matlh}.

-- ghunchu'wI'

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