tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Jul 30 09:55:58 1998

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Re: qep'a' QonoSHom

In a message dated 98-07-29 17:49:42 EDT, you write:
ja' ghunchu'wI':

<< [I invite eager students to post translations of this message.]
 Hoch vIlIjpa' 'op wanI' vIDel vIneH.>>

qaDlIj vIlaj!
<< mabomchu'ta'!  SeymoH <taHjaj wo'>.  
We have sung excellently!  "Long live the Empire" is exciting.

<<Qanqor bom chu' vItIv je -- bavchuqlaw' QoQ tlheghmey.  >>
I also enjoyed Krankor's new song -- the lines of music seemed to orbit each

<<'ej not <DaHjaj po> lIjlu' 'e' vItul.>>
And I hope "This morning" is never forgotten.
<< loQ qetlh 'uQ wa'DIch Soj, 'ach Dajbej juppu'.  >>
The first dinner's food was a little uninteresting, but friends were
definitely interesting.

<< mutlhej be'nalwI', puqloDwI', puqloDwI' jup je. >>
My wife and son, and my son's friend, accompanied me.

<< maSoptaHvIS, muyu' puq:  "How do you say 'Good eating tonight' in Klingon?"
>> While we were eating, the child questioned me: "...?"

<<vIjangmeH burghwIjvo' SIp chuS vItlhuD.  Haghchu' chaH.>>
To answer, I emitted noisy gas from my stomach.

<< DaH qIDwIj vIpay -- reH *burp* chaH jay'.>>
Now I regret my joke -- THEY're always burping, doggone it!
<< Dunqa' <pegh mu'>.  Qujvetlh vIbej 'e' vItIv.  rut tlhaQbej mu'mey.>>
"Secret word" was really great. I enjoyed watching that game. Occasionally the
words were definitely funny.

<< <nIbpoH> 'oH wa' mu''e'.  DelmeH, jatlhlu' <qaSqa'law'>.  yajbe' qoch.>>
"Deja vu"" was one word. To describe it, "It seems to happen again" was said.
The partner didn't understand.

<< SIbI' jatlh ghol <qaSqa'law'>.  tlhoS ravDaq vIpum jIHaghqu'mo'.>>
 Immediately the opponent said "It seems to happen again". I almost fell to
the floor because I laughed so hard.

<< SIbDoH wov wIbej 'e' wInID.  nIS 'engmey. >>
We tried to observe a bright satellite.  Clouds interfered.

<< wInIDqa'DI' maQap 'ej quvwIj vItoDlaw'.>>
When we tried again we succeeded, and I feel we rescued our honor.
<< DISvam maH puS HoS wa'ben maH puS puj. >>
This year we were fewer than last year.

<< chaq mapuS, 'ach mapo'bej! jIyay'. >>
Perhaps we were few, but we were expert! I was dumbfounded.

<< motlh mayajchuqlaHmeH ngeD.  pIj maba' 'ej majaw neH. >>
Usually it was easy for us to understand each other.

<< wanI'vammo' jIQuchqu'.  roD jIja'nISchugh tlhIngan Hol vIlo'. chongbej
I was very happy because of this. Usually if we had to speak we used Klingon.
Our language is great!
<< Qov jech pov Daleghta'be' bIDo'Ha'.  tlhIngan SuvwI' qu' ghaHbej, 'ej
 Sut chenmoHwI' po' ghaHlaw' je.
Too bad you haven't seen Qov's excellent costume. She was definitely a fierce
Klingon warrior, and whoever made the suit seemed expert too.

<< <wa'nem Qo'noSDaq!  wa'nem juHqo'Daq!>  mu'meyvam vIjatlhtaHvIS jIpaS.>>
"Next year on Kronos! Next year on the Home World!"  I am late in saying these

<< rInchoHtaHvIS qep'a' vIjatlhnISpu'. >>
I should have said them while the convention was finishing up.

<< 'ach mu' paS QaQ law' pagh mu' QaQ puS, qar'a'?>>
But late words are better than no words, right?
 <<-- ghunchu'wI'  >>

qep'a' qunlIj Dajqu' vItIvchu'!

-- jey'el

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