tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Jul 13 16:18:03 1998

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Re: Question from a newbie

---David Trimboli  wrote:
> You[?] wrote:
> >I also showed Marc my notes about the old klingon number system he
> mentioned
> >in TKD. He comfirmed my findings. I can add, subtract, multiply and
> >in the ancient way.
> >He said he will think about the terminology and grammer to use in
> >mathematical operations.
> This simply says that he told YOU something, and you've decided to
> for us.  So far as I can tell, you're speculating.  I like the ternary
> counting system myself, but you haven't really told us what Okrand
> Please tell us what he said, and not what it means.  I'd like to
draw my own
> conclusions.

MO has a disconcertingly slippery way of making all his listeners go
away thinking they've heard what they wanted to hear.  You mention
something to him and he rarely says, "no, it doesn't work that way." 
He'll smile and say, "It's interesting, isn't it?"  "It could work
that way."  "Something like that."  "In a way."  It takes you a while,
even being really objective to realize that he hasn't given you any
information at all. If you have some pet theory you walk away certain
it's confirmed.  I imagine when he's dealing with fans proudly
speaking Paramount Hol it allows him to be friendly and avoid having
to say, "You have no clue."  

Ob Hol:
yu'wI': chay pIm Duj ngo' Suy, De'wI' Suy je?
jangwI': nep Duj Suy 'e' tlhoj ghaH.
Qov - Beginners' Grammarian 

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