tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Jul 14 17:54:17 1998

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Re: Question from a newbie

ja' Qov:
>MO has a disconcertingly slippery way of making all his listeners go
>away thinking they've heard what they wanted to hear.  You mention
>something to him and he rarely says, "no, it doesn't work that way."
>He'll smile and say, "It's interesting, isn't it?"  "It could work
>that way."  "Something like that."  "In a way."

What he said to *me* was "That's one way of looking at it."  This was
in response to my belief that Valkris was talking to her computer when
she said {HablI' Su' labbeH}.  He also (rather uncharacteristically, I
think) grumbled about dealing with Cathie Shirriff's pronunciation.

>It takes you a while,
>even being really objective to realize that he hasn't given you any
>information at all. If you have some pet theory you walk away certain
>it's confirmed.

Hmm.  It seems "a while" can be as long as a year...I'm not certain
he actually said it was a *valid* way of looking at it. :-/

>I imagine when he's dealing with fans proudly
>speaking Paramount Hol it allows him to be friendly and avoid having
>to say, "You have no clue."

I envy his ability to give vague answers.  Even when he agreed to tell
us what the Klingon word was for a specific concept of our choice, his
answer was {vegh}. :-)

>Ob Hol:
>yu'wI': chay pIm Duj ngo' Suy, De'wI' Suy je?
>jangwI': nep Duj Suy 'e' tlhoj ghaH.

nep je De'wI' Suy'. :-)

-- ghunchu'wI'

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