tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Jul 13 14:49:33 1998

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Re: Question from a newbie

From: TPO <[email protected]>

>>Quite right.  The original Klingon counting system has always interested
>>Not because it's ternary, but because of that "and then it got
>>line.  We have absolutely no way to know what comes after "three threes
>You haven't been keeping up the past month, have you?
>We DO know what comes after "3X3+3".
>I spent four days with MO during Memorial weekend.  One of the things we
>discussed was the numbers.
>Back track on this thread and see what I have written so far.

You wrote:

>I also showed Marc my notes about the old klingon number system he
>in TKD. He comfirmed my findings. I can add, subtract, multiply and divide
>in the ancient way.
>He said he will think about the terminology and grammer to use in
>mathematical operations.

This simply says that he told YOU something, and you've decided to interpret
for us.  So far as I can tell, you're speculating.  I like the ternary
counting system myself, but you haven't really told us what Okrand said.

For instance, your extension past "three three plus three" hardly seems

Please tell us what he said, and not what it means.  I'd like to draw my own

Stardate 98526.9

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